Friday, January 6, 2012

Hot Dog Eating Contest

Buenos tardes a todos! I have quite a hilarious story to tell you all. I was going to try and wait and update until after the Día de los Reyes fiesta, but I was afraid that I might forget some of the details, so here it goes.

Ok, so I am finally starting to get used to the delicious and enduring Spanish meals, but last night I was taken aback in surprise. For those of you who don't know, Spanish people usually have a very light breakfast (bread, fruit, coffee), a very large lunch (the most important meal, usually some sort of soup with a lot of side dishes, with fruit and café con leche served afterwards). Anyway, this story has to deal with dinner time, which is usually just a light meal, such as a sandwich or something similar. I was surprised to see my señora walking out with SIX hot dogs on a single plate... My first thought was that she saw the Hot Dog Eating Contest on July 4th and since I have been eating well, she is going to start training me to enter and win! Hahahaha. It was difficult for me to suppress my laughter, but I was happy that she was making the attempt to at least help me feel slightly more at home by cooking a somewhat American dinner. Well, as I was slowly making my way through the hot dogs, (I would only go on to finish eating three of them, señora was probably disappointed in me) she brings out a huge OMELET. I was already starting to feel full at this point, but that omelet looked so delicious that I just had to finish the entire thing (it was amazing). I wish I would have gotten a photo of this dinner to show you all, but I would have felt rude pulling out my camera in front of my señora and taking a picture of her food she took the time to cook for me. She is a wonderful cook and I appreciate everything she makes, but I just couldn't help but chuckle a bit when she made me six hot dogs.... hahaha.

After dinner a large group of the study abroad gang went out together at a tapas bar! Tapas are like appetizers, and in Spain they usually are free when you order a beverage of some sort. So we had a good time going to a local bar getting to know each other and also talking with some of the Spanish natives! Everyone seems very friendly so far that I've met here (except those rude ladies on the plane).

Earlier today (It is 4:00 p.m. here as I write this), we had orientation again for the University, and the tour guide/school people showed us all around Granada. It is so beautiful! I will post some photos below that I took on my phone.

Anyway, tonight is the Día de los Reyes parade (Three Kings)! I am very excited to be able to experience this since it is a big deal in Spain. I am going to take plenty of photos and I will be sure to write about how amazing it was!

Hasta luego

Decorations for Christmas

 Pretty walkway :)

 Ahh beautiful hills


 Me with beautiful scenery! Haha

 At the tapas bar with some amigos!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness hillary. I love reading every single thing!! and I love the photos! It looks so unreal and beautiful in comparison to what we see in champaign everyday.....
