Thursday, June 30, 2016

Brain Fried

Hey everyone~ My goodness, it's been one hell of a busy month. And it's already over... and July is here! I have been SO busy that I haven't kept up with my blog for this past month, and I'm sorry for that. I'm going to be insanely busy until I am on that plane back to America for the summer. And then I can finally relax. Maybe. I'll keep this post shorter and do it in bullet-point fashion to get...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rocky Road to Renewal

By now, you all must be wondering, "Hillary's been in Korea two years already and I haven't seen anything on social media about what's happening next... where did she go!?!?" Nah, just kidding, you probably aren't wondering about me at all, but I just don't know what to write about in my blog right now. But for those interested, I am writing this post to explain the next phase and how I got to that...