Hola a todos! The past few days I have just been getting used to classes. I have class every morning from 10:00 - 2:00. It is not a bad schedule, I get to sleep in a little bit and still get home in time to spend the afternoon and evening doing what I want. The classes here a lot more fun and laid back than they are at ISU. I feel like here at the University of Granada, our professors are more concerned that we are actually understanding the content we are learning, and not just trying to rush through a specific syllabus like it seems at ISU (not always, but just something I have noticed). My classes so far have been a lot more interactive and we do a lot of activities and games to help us remember the topics better (it is true that if you are actually enjoying the way you are learning, you will retain the information better). Today, for example, we have been learning more in depth vocabulary of the parts of the body and descriptions and adjectives, etc. We paired up with someone, and we each had to describe to the other person different qualities, and they had to draw it based on our descriptions. At the end, we could see what they came up with and if it matched what we said. It was very fun, and great practice to retain the vocabulary. For the grammar section, we have been doing a lot of activities and we will go on YouTube and listen to song lyrics and analyze the different verb tenses. It is easier to remember which verb forms to use when you can actually relate it to something current in your life.
Anyway, besides classes, I have still been ill with a cold that has turned into a sinus infection. I have been trying to get into the doctor for the past week, but the insurance company that is provided through this program is not doing their part to be punctual... I have been going in and out of many offices trying to figure out what to do, and nothing seems to be working out. I am hoping to get in tomorrow (cross your fingers), but if not, it looks like I will have to wait out the weekend... Oh well. At least it is only a sinus infection and nothing worse.
This weekend our group is visiting the Alhambra, which I am super excited about! I have been waiting to visit the Alhambra in person ever since I started high school. It will definitely be an amazing experience and I will be sure to take plenty of photos. Also, I discovered that the shortbread cookies here are the greatest snack I have ever tasted. I just discovered today that dipping the shortbread cookies in my café con leche tastes about twenty times better than dipping Oreos in milk, not even kidding. It is fantastic. Other than that, I can't think of much else to update you all on... Well, I also figured out a more efficient way to shower. My shower head is not connected to the wall, so I have been holding it in one hand while trying to maneuver and do everything else. I finally decided to suck it up and turn the water off after I rinse, set the shower head down, put the shampoo/conditioner in my hair and use my body wash while freezing my butt off, then turn the HOT water back on and rinse off for a bit... It kind of sucked at first but I am getting used to it. My señora also made me neat slippers to walk around in so my feet don't get cold, they are so adorable.
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