Ahh! Hello! I am so excited! Tonight I leave for my week long break. I am headed to Barcelona for three nights and Madrid for another three nights. I can't wait! But before I go more in depth about what I'll be doing, I have a story to tell.
So, when I first came to Spain, one of the many things I...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Hello! This week has flown by so quickly! My language intensive course ends tomorrow with my final exam! I am confident that I will do well on it. After this exam, I have a week off until I start my other classes. I am taking a Social Politics class of Spain, History/Culture of Flamenco, Art of Spain, Civilization and Culture of Spain, and a Writing class this semester at the Universidad de Granada!...
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hey everybody, I haven't updated in a week because I have been busy! Last week I had classes and I have finally gotten into a daily routine of things to do. The highlights of the past week was going to watch the Barcelona vs. Real Madrid soccer game on Wednesday night at a local bar with my roommate...
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Antibiotics and Alhambra
I finally got into the doctor Thursday evening. It actually went a lot smoother than I thought it would. Surprisingly I remembered most of the vocabulary from eighth grade (thanks Señora B... err, was it Ms. Laub? Hahahaha). Anyway, I only had to look up the word for "runny" and refresh my memory on "resfriado" (which means "cold"). The doctor was very nice and she treated me right away, and I received...
Friday, January 13, 2012
Dipping Shortbread Cookies in Café con Leche > Dipping Oreos in Milk
Hola a todos! The past few days I have just been getting used to classes. I have class every morning from 10:00 - 2:00. It is not a bad schedule, I get to sleep in a little bit and still get home in time to spend the afternoon and evening doing what I want. The classes here a lot more fun and laid back...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Starting Classes
Greetings! The past two days have been pretty busy for me, classes are finally getting up and going so I am becoming more occupied with serious studies. Sunday night my Señora and I were invited for dinner at her friend's house in another town close to Granada, so we went over there and had a good time....
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Exploring the City!
Hey everyone!
So Thursday night was the Día de los Reyes parade. Let's just say that night was like the Christmas Eve here in Spain. It was crazy. There were literally about 100,000 people watching this parade, it was so neat. Everyone was fighting to get a tiny piece of candy, but it was quite humorous....
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hot Dog Eating Contest
Buenos tardes a todos! I have quite a hilarious story to tell you all. I was going to try and wait and update until after the Día de los Reyes fiesta, but I was afraid that I might forget some of the details, so here it goes.
Ok, so I am finally starting to get used to the delicious and enduring Spanish...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Ahh, what a busy couple of days it has been, but totally worth it! I will try and give you a brief yet detailed run-down of how everything went! Monday morning my father and I set out around 9:00 a.m. to head to O'Hare, and we arrived around noon. I still hadn't felt like I was leaving. We finally got...
Monday, January 2, 2012
I finally finished my packing, after quite a bit of procrastination between spending the last few days with friends, family, and coming down with the dreaded common cold. It is ironic how my body just chooses to get sick at the most inopportune times. I am a health freak (as most of you already know), and getting ill is something that rarely happens to me. If you are an avid fan of the television...