Thursday, December 29, 2011



I am writing this blog to share my journey through my semester abroad in Spain, and I am sure it will be nice to have these experiences written down to reflect on at a later point in time. I honestly do not have many "expectations" for this journey, except to enjoy every moment I am given because that is a blessing in itself. I do not have time to be disappointed in what has, has not, or will have occurred because all we ever have is the present moment. I am excited for this opportunity because the journey is what makes everything else worthwhile and meaningful. Please do not expect anything too fancy in regards to the design of this blog. As I said, this blog is solely to share my experiences with those who are interested, so I am not too concerned with how "pretty" the rest of the website looks, just focused on the content of my writing. I am glad to share this short phase of my life with you all, and I hope you enjoy the stories that are to come.

- Hillary


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  1. I'm waiting to read your post about Salamanca :P

  2. Adrian, tengo unos días de vacaciones el fin de enero y mi amiga y yo queremos ir a Salamanca! Ella también tiene una amiga por correspondencia que vive en Salamanca y entonces todos nosotros debemos reunirnos!

  3. Maybe I know your friend's friend xD Btw I have my final exams in the end of January so if you come after the 29th it would be nice for me (I finish my last "hard" exam this day).
