Ticket to Hualien
Hi everyone! This is part three (of three) in my Taiwan travel series blog posts. To read parts one and two, click the attached links. For the last leg of my trip to Taiwan, my friend Nikki and I headed to the central-eastern side of the country to visit the "countryside". We wanted...
Monday, February 20, 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Taipei, Taiwan: Day Trip to Jiufen
Written by Hillary V.
on Saturday, February 11, 2017
in 2017, Asia, Jiufen, South Korea/Fulbright, Taiwan, Travel, Vacation
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The lanterns of Jiufen
Hi everyone! This is part two (of three) in my Taiwan travel series blog posts. To read part one, click here. This post will focus on a fun day trip that my friends and I took, just outside of Taipei to a small village named Jiufen.
Walking along the narrow streets
Friday, February 10, 2017
Taipei, Taiwan
Written by Hillary V.
on Friday, February 10, 2017
in 2017, Asia, Food, South Korea/Fulbright, Taiwan, Travel, Vacation

As most of you know by now, I took a week-long trip to Taiwan with a few other Fulbright buddies during the winter vacation. I will be splitting this trip up into three separate posts, related to each city that we visited throughout the week. First up is Taipei, where we spent the majority of our time.