Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Design!

Hi everyone! Notice anything different? I finally decided to modernize my blog and logged far too many hours with coding and hashing out bugs with my new design. But, now that it is finally complete, I am super happy with it and will keep it around for some time. Major changes: New logo (and made...

Monday, January 23, 2017

Winter Class

"The List": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Abqo7prT840 We made fake blood! After the New Year celebrations, my school requested that I teach a voluntary two-week winter class to help students practice English. Because it is winter BREAK, I decided to make the curriculum something fun and...

So Long, 2016!

Merry Christmas! What a year it was! For the world at large, maybe not one of its finest, but for me personally, I would say it has been a pretty great year. I was thinking about writing a few highlights from 2016, but I think everything I've expressed in my blog posts throughout the year accurately...