Suncheon Gardens
Well, the title doesn't make me sound very optimistic, which at first I wasn't, but my failed trip actually turned out to be not so bad. Let's start from the beginning.
Because of the midterm exam period at my school that takes place during three days (Monday - Wednesday), followed...
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
100% / Emily's Expedition
Written by Hillary V.
on Monday, May 02, 2016
in 2016, Boseong, Culture, Garden, Green Tea, Gwangyang, High School, Korea, MRSA, Severance, South Korea/Fulbright, Spring, Suncheon, Teaching
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My last foot appointment!
Hello, friends all over the world! Hillary here, writing this post with a smile on my face (as I usually am). The weather has been extraordinarily beautiful here lately, even with days of rain scattered here and there. Those days have actually turned out to be some of my...