Welcome to Crazy May, part II of two. If you missed part one, check it out here.
Buddhist Temple
First off, let me share some good news by saying that I AM RENEWING MY GRANT with Fulbright! I will be staying another year, and I will remain living with my home stay family in Gwangyang and teaching...
Monday, June 22, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Crazy May, pt. I
Written by Hillary V.
on Wednesday, June 17, 2015
in 2015, Asia, Boseong, Flu, Fulbright, Green Tea, Rap, Running, South Korea, Students

May proved to be quite an exhilarating month, full of highs and lows. In Korea, May was a month full of holidays, testing, and random days off from school "just because". Thus, the first full week of May I did not have to go to school because of midterm exams and vacation days after the testing was...