Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Final Semester

Well, the title says it all - I'm wrapping up my final semester in South Korea as part of the Fulbright Program. The past three years have been a life-changing experience, and living in this country has been filled with ups, downs, and plenty of personal growth. I don't really feel like getting super sappy about all of this right now, because I'm sure that will come later (like once I'm back in America...

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tokyo Disney!

Cinderella's Castle Hello everyone! It's time to share my AWESOME experience at Tokyo Disneyland~! I treated myself and booked a hotel resort for three nights, along with a three-day pass to Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea. I have to admit, I had no idea what Disney Sea was before I arrived, but...

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Okinawa, Japan

Well, I lived up to my promise! If you remember, I traveled to Japan during my winter break (in February) for ten days. I had an amazing trip, met some awesome people, and knew that I had to go back one day. That time came sooner than I expected. I had a two-week "spring break" because of my school's...